Carlo Cavina School is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development. To attain the same we, provide a conducive atmosphere for intellectual development, quality academic and cultural formation, facilitate conviction based spiritual transition, nurture a sense of the divine, extend integral education, encourage sports, games and arts, promote environmental consciousness and aesthetic sensitivity, help appreciate the cultural values, promote the marginalized, provide authentic leadership training and thus equip the younger generation with the vital life skills to become agents of social change and promoters of universal brotherhood.

The primary focus of this academic fraternity is on knowledge,love and service. Carlo Cavina School exclusively stands for the highest standards and quality in the pursuit of knowledge and its actualization.

Latest News & Events

  • Carriculum
    It follows the ICSE syllabus from the Primary classes to Higher Secondary. To enable the students to learn better Smart Class.

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  • Addmission
    Admission to the school starts in the nursery classes . Application forms are issued in the month February and admissions are normally done in April.

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  • Aims and Objectives
    The primary focus of this academic fraternity is on knowledge,love and service. Carlo Cavina School exclusively stands for the highest standards and quality in the pursuit of knowledge and its actualization

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Take The Virtual Tour

Saint Francis de Sales: short biography of the "Doctor of Love" (as Pope John Paul II called him). Produced by the Institute of Salesian Spirituality from a scholarly essay written by the well-published author Father Arthur J. Lenti, SDB.

Department & Staff Representatives

satta king