
Carlo Cavina School Adigondanahalli was started in 2013-14.

St. Francis De Sales( 1567 - 1622 )

Francis De Sales, the patron saint of the congregation of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales and the patron of our school, was a 16th century French saint, renowned for his holiness and scholarship. He was the Bishop of Geneva. As a Bishop he was well known for his captivating orations and sermons in the church. By practice he became profoundly gentle in his personality, which made him to win the title ‘Gentleman saint’. Endowed with the gift of genuine love for God and humanity, he managed to attract many people to a way of life that ensured moral and religious soundness.

         In his personal life he practiced the gospel values to their core. He authored two spiritual class  ics – ‘Introduction to devout life’ and the ‘Treaties on the Llove of God’. He is also known as the ‘Patron of Journalists’. The Catholic Church had accorded him with the honor “Doctor of the Church” in view of his saintliness, schlarship and for his valuable contributions in terms of spiritual literature. This versatile personality is truly a rich source of inspiration and is a beacon in our ongoing journey.


Daughters of St. Francis de Sales is a missionary Congregation of Religious sisters who are active in the field of education, social work and care of the sick and elderly. The Congregation was founded by Servant of God Fr. Charles Cavina ,Parish priest and Rector of a minor seminary in Lugo (Italy ) in 1872 for the education of the girls by providing them religious, moral and technical education. The faith formation and catechetical education and teaching of Christian values to the young and adults were the main concern of Fr. Charles Cavina while founding this congregation. He instructed his daughters to be tender mothers to all, to be women inflamed by love of God. Drawing inspiration from their founder, DSFS sisters engage themselves in various apostolic activities

The tiny dsfs plant which took root in Lugo spread its branches to different parts of Italy and to countries like India, Brazil, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Philippines and England. The mother house is in Italy and the Superior General is Rev Mother Corrada Magnani.

The Congregation began its first house in India at Vizhinjam in Thiruvananthapuram District. The sisters work in many states of India as educators, social workers, nurses, caring mothers for the elderly, orphans , differently abled children and as catechetical instructors. The Headquarters of the Indian Province is in Bangalore and Rev .Sr. Phina Kuruvilla is the present Provincial Superior.

Department & Staff Representatives

Sr. Celine Kunnel
Sr. Rufin Francis M
Sr. Vincy Puthenpurackal
Mother Phina Kuruvilla
Superior General